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[아이폰] 사설 수리점 http://okkuyng.godo.co.kr/shop/board/list.php?id=NoWon 메인보드 교체일 경우 3GS - 13만원 이라고 한다. 지금 핸드폰이 안된다. 처음엔 네트워크가 안되더니 이젠 전원도 커졌다 꺼졌다 그런다.증상을 알아보니, 메인보드 교체 진단이 나왔다.다른곳도 비슷해서 그냥 블로그 처리함. 더보기
[아이폰] 클릭하면 밑으로 떨어지는 테이블뷰 https://github.com/gcamp/GCRetractableSectionController 더보기
[아이폰] 팝업, PopTipView https://github.com/chrismiles/CMPopTipView 더보기
[아이폰] 탭바, tapcontroller custom http://pstory.net/category/?page=12 더보기
[아이폰] UIMenuControll 메뉴(copy, paste..) http://cocoadays.blogspot.kr/2010/09/uimenucontroller.html http://blogs.captechconsulting.com/blog/john-szumski/getting-started-uimenucontroller-ios-5 http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/tableview http://mystcolor.me/post/26114988122/show-delete-menu-item-in-tableview http://blog.naver.com/kenny817/20156792329 https://github.com/PaulSolt/WEPopover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8633089/iphonepop-up.. 더보기
[아이폰] 푸시 받고 다음 페이지 이동 n your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method you can check whether your app was started due to a remote notification by looking into the launchOptions dictionary. The keyUIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey will give you the remote notification, if any, and you would then need to present your view controller.If your app is still running while the remote notification arrive.. 더보기
[아이폰] 푸시 받고 다음 액션, push view move n your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method you can check whether your app was started due to a remote notification by looking into the launchOptions dictionary. The keyUIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey will give you the remote notification, if any, and you would then need to present your view controller.If your app is still running while the remote notification arrive.. 더보기
[mac] 맥 필수 프로그램 http://elecmilk.tistory.com/170 total finder 등등 링크되어 있습니다. 더보기
[iphone-비밀] 푸시를 이용한 채팅, 메신저 만들기 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
[iphone] expand/contract uitableviewcell expand/contract uitableviewcell https://github.com/malcommac/DMSlidingCell https://github.com/gcamp/GCRetractableSectionController http://soulwithmobiletechnology.blogspot.kr/2011/06/how-does-uitableviewcell-reorder.html http://dotnet.kapenilattex.com/?p=648 더보기